Page 24 - ShowSight Presents- The American Eskimo Dog
P. 24

                                Standard Mini
the gait. The sternum can be easily felt as the dog has good forechest. Ribs are on the approximate level of the elbow and are well sprung to the elbow. The back is strong and level; loins are well muscled. The standard calls for a 30 degree lay off of the pelvis. To be in balance with the front, the stifle must be well bent and the hocks short (well let down), and straight. There is a very slight slope of the croup. Upper and lower thighs are of the same length. Feet are oval. Toes are arched and pads are tough and deeply cushioned.
The Eskie is a single tracking breed. All footprints falling on a single line of travel. When the dog breaks into a trot his body is supported by only two legs at a time, which move as alternating diagonal pairs. To achieve balance, his legs angle inward toward a center line beneath his body, and the greater the speed, the closer they come to track- ing on a single line. (In a small ring, Eskie legs can be seen to converge but may not reach true single tracking in a confined space.
The gait is “agile, bold, well bal- anced and frictionless, with good fore- quarter reach and good hindquarter drive”. The head will drop slightly to keep with the forward momentum of the dog. Eskie tails may be down when the dog is at ease but must be car- ried loosely over the back while they are moving.
The Eskie is a double coated breed. It is white or white with biscuit cream. The quality of the coat is more impor- tant than the quantity. Dogs will nor- mally carry more coat than the bitch- es. Bitches will have a slightly softer texture to their coat. The coat is weather
Snow Nose
resistant and carries the typical pattern to the coat. Pattern is more apparent on dogs than bitches. Disqualification: Any color other than white or biscuit cream.
And finally, please remember from the standard: “There is to be no trim- ming of the whiskers or body coat and such trimming will be severely penal- ized. Only permissible trimming is to neaten the feet and the backs of the rear pasterns.”
When judging the American Eskimo Dog it is important to keep in mind the original function of the breed. It was originally bred as a multi-purpose working dog of the farm. The Eskie is one of the most versatile of breeds and is extremely intelligent. The Standard for the breed is very descriptive as to what is desired. The Eskie is a Nordic breed and also displays the charac- teristics of the ancient Spitz line of dogs. Good and balanced angulation is extremely important with shoul- ders well laid back. It is also a trotting breed, so movement is very important, not only written in the standard, but to the breeders that have dedicated their lives to preserving, protecting and improving.
The Eskie succeeds in agility, obe- dience, flyball, lure coursing, dock dog diving, herding, therapy and ser- vice dog work. And is a strikingly beau- tiful dog in the conformation ring as well as a loving and loyal companion. Eskies exel at these and other tasks. But it cannot do so if it is not have the structure, temperament and type as according to the please judge accordingly.
 Movement Puppy Sidegate
Agile, bold, well balanced, good reach & drive
Single Tracks as speed increases

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