Page 24 - ShowSight Presents The German Shepherd Dog
P. 24

                 BARN HUNT
Barn hunt is a sport that honors the role of a dog in ridding barns of vermin. No rats are hurt in this venue.
This is a sport for dogs that involves chasing a mechanically operated lure. Originally the sport showcased sight- hounds but many breeds enjoy the sport.
Formerly known as Schutzhund, it is a three part title of protection, track- ing and obedience required to be bred in Germany along with a breed survey. This is done internationally. This working dog sport was designed for breed suitability in Germany in the early 1900s. Many other breeds participate in this sport.
There is also cart and weight pulling. Weight pulling is a dog sport involving a dog pulling a cart or sled loaded with weight a short distance across dirt/gravel, grass, carpet or snow. Requires a specially fitted harness.
The Total Dog in the GSD breed in the United States is awarded the premier title of AOE—the Award of Excellence which includes: a select title won at the National by a champion of record, OFA hips and Elbows, a Temperament certificate and a performance title. It awards a combina- tion of beauty and brains and addresses the “total dog concept.” The dog should be beautiful, agile, alert, full of life, intel- ligent and of good temperament.
The Tile of PAM seen in front of many of the dogs pictured means Performance Award of Merit. It is the highest award bestowed by the AKC in performance and to be eligible for this award a dog must have completed titles in three different performance events (obedience, track- ing, agility, herding) with one of the areas being the highest title possible.
Most of the above mentioned AKC events can be seen at the German Shep- herd National to be held at Purina Farms, October 3-11, 2014. Our Sieger Show will be in October from the 2nd to 5th at the same location. Won’t you join us there?
Join the GSDCA at
Protection phase by Nocturne’s Navigator, owned and trained by Helen Gleason.
 “Kestrel” on the C course. Owners: Dania Karloff, Lanalee Law and Julie Degen.
Dr Zoë Backman, retired from private practice, has served as Secretary of the Weisenberg Township Audit Board and a Township Auditor. She is tech support for the Bucks County
Medical Society and a member of The German Shep- herd Dog Club of America Board. She is presently show- ing dogs in Rally Obedience Advanced and is a Tem- perament Tester in Training.
“Venetia”, owned by (okay, she owns me) Zoë Backman and Ann Solt.

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