Page 32 - ShowSight Presents - The Irish Setter
P. 32

                 of nose to defined stop, and from stop to occiput. The skull when viewed from the top is that of an oval. Depth of muzzle should be in proportion but deep enough to easily carry large upland game, lips are squared off but not pendulous. . Bites are to be scissor with level being acceptable. You will frequently see dropped teeth, which if in alignment are not to be, in my opinion, penalized. Eyes are oval with tight rims (remember, when hunting this would pre- vent seeds or grasses from getting into the eye); color ranging from dark to medium brown. The eye has a raised brow which enhances the overall expression of intelli- gence and softness. It is this construction of the head, and its melting expression that makes this setter an Irish Setter.
The front assembly shows a moderate but evident forechest, with a scapula that is well laid back and with an upper arm that is equal in length, all contributing to good reach. The neck fits smoothly into good shoulders, and should be of a length appropriate to the breed’s purpose mean- ing long enough to reach the ground to pick up game without crouching. Bone on the Irish Setter is moderate, but neither
fine nor coarse. Remember, the Irish Set- ter’s origins are the bogs of Ireland where the ground is soft and neither a heavy dog, not a too fine animal would be appropri- ate for the terrain, so substance without heaviness is key. Feet are small, tight and well knuckled.
As a judge moves along the side of the dog, the chest reaches to the elbow, and a judge’s hand will note that the length of our “slightly longer than tall” dog is in the rib cage and not in the loin. The top line is firm and gently sloping (not a ski slide!!) and the tail is a direct extension of that top line, neither tipping downward, nor overly upward. It is important to look at tails with a view to their set and their carriage as tails can rise with excitement (carriage), but we are talking structure at this time (set).
Moving to the rear, the Irish Setter has good rear angles, matching the front angles which contributes to overall bal- ance both standing and moving. Evidence of a wide thigh and second thigh should be noted, with a well defined bend of stifle and with the leg ending in a moderately short perpendicular hock. Again, feet are small, well knuckled and with hair left
between the toes. Examining the rear also includes checking for muscling. Step back for one more look, and the overall picture should be a pleasing silhouette of elegance and balance.
Having examined the dog standing, it should be no surprise how it moves. We are a breed that moves as it stands, and correct movement on the Irish Set- ter is where all the pieces flow together,

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