Page 2 - ShowSight Presents - The Keeshond
P. 2

                HOW TO JUDGE A
   BY JOANNE REED Windrift Keeshond
2010 AKC Non-Sporting Breeder Of The Year
Breeder of 26 Best in Show Keeshonds
Keeshond Club of America Breeder’s Education Committee
Keeshond Club of America Standard Revision Committee
Iam writing this article to help judg- es new to our breed as well as the more experienced judge who needs to learn the finer points of judging
the Keeshond. This describes the basics of the judging procedure, but with the Keeshond breed standard explained in detail.
So, ask your ring steward to bring in the dogs in catalog order. Line them up on one side of the ring. Look over the exhibits. You want the Keeshond to look balanced, short- coupled, square appearing, head and neck up over the backline, tail tightly curled over the back and legs under them, not over extended. You want to see males 18" at the shoulder and females 17". One inch variance either way
is acceptable.
Instruct the group to travel around the ring. You want a Keeshond to glide smoothly with the head carriage above the topline with no bouncing or jerk- ing movement, tail carried over the back, moving at a slow trot with mod- erate reach and drive. If you have one exhibit, please allow them to go around the ring before you put them on the ramp. We are a mandatory
ramp breed!
Have them proceed to the ramp.
The ramp is there for examination only! Keeshonds are not to be judged for alertness, ear carriage or attitude on the ramp. Survey the outline of the dog presented. Again, you want to see a pleas- ing, balanced silhouette; neck and head carriage above the topline. Legs should be under the dog, not extended. You want to see a square appearing dog. The coloring should be dramatic with definite shoulder markings with a black saddle. The neck ruff

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