Page 22 - The Norwich Terrier
P. 22

                over the rump. Once the groomer has made the topline level they then must create a straight underline. The underline of the dog (the area under the belly of the dog) is a reflection of the topline and ads to the overall outline of the dog. If the underline is not groomed evenly it will make the topline look uneven as well.
The neck of the Norwich and Norfolk terrier is a “neck of medium length, strong and blending into well laid back shoulders” If the dog lacks length of neck a groomer must trim the front and sides of the dogs neck to create the illusion that the dog has a medium length of neck.
The Norfolk and Norwich terrier should have feet that are round with thick pads. The feet should be trimmed underneath to remove all hair that would attract debris and distract from a round appearance. The outside of the foot should be trimmed round.
The ears on the Norfolk and Norwich terrier should be stripped clean of hair. The Norfolk should have the hair in front of and under- neath the ear pulled close to allow the ears to lay flat against the head of the dog. The Norwich terrier should have the top half of the ear cleaned both front and back and the remaining hair in front of the ear trimmed to lightly cover the ear opening. The hair on the Norwich ear should have a fanned appearance when finished.
The tail of both the Norfolk and Norwich terrier should be stripped close and the area around the rectum should be kept clean of hair as well. The rear end of the Norfolk and Norwich terrier should be broad with strong, muscular thighs. These dogs should have a rear end that extends past the base of their tail (a round rump appearance). When trimming this area it is important to tidy up the area but not to remove too much hair thus making the dog fall away behind or exposing the genitalia.
Trimming these dogs for show can be a rewarding experience. The largest shortfall on grooming these breeds is when the groomer does not pull enough hair off the dog and they do not pull the coat often enough to create a rolled coat. The only way to perfect your grooming skills is to seek advice from people that have been trimming these breeds for years and have been very successful at it. I recommend looking at photos of top winning dogs and placing those photos in front of you when you trim your dog keep in mind those dogs probably had a fault or two themselves but the creative groomer has hidden them from sight with impeccable grooming. Another useful tip is to groom your dog in front of a mirror; this will allow the groomer to see what a person standing away from the dog would see. Most importantly do not be afraid to make a mistake... remember it is only hair and it will grow back!
Lori has been a breeder of both Norfolk
and Norwich terriers for 20 years. She won the
Norwich terrier national specialty at Mont-
gomery county Kennel Club in 2008 with CH
Abbedale Brass Tacks “Rugby”. She has been
at Norfolk Aggie since 1992. She has been
teaching dog grooming since 1990 on the col-
lege, post graduate and high school level. Lori
started her career in dogs at the age of 12 and it has continued ever since. She shares her home with Norfolk, Norwich and Border terriers as well as a Vizsla and a Golden Retriever. She breeds Norfolk and Norwich under the prefix Avalon and Borders and Goldens under the prefix Radland.
   Judging The Norwich Terrier:
MBy Jane R. Schubart
y perspective of judging Norwich Terriers is that of a breeder. I’m not an AKC licensed judge. From inside the ring my experience is limited to judging two Norwich sweep- stakes and a couple of matches. Just
enough to appreciate how difficult judging can be. That said, from outside the ring I’ve spent hundreds of hours judging Norwich. Through the lens of a breeder, I view the purpose of dog shows as being to facilitate evaluation of future breeding stock.
Whether inside or outside the ring, my approach is to evaluate the overall dog first. I make my “first cut” on type. I’m looking for a hardy little hunt terrier who appears capable of dispatching small vermin. He is fear- less and never shy. Although the smallest of the terriers, Norwich should have substance—never fine-boned or toy-ish. He is a sturdy dog in a small package and sur- prisingly heavy when lifted.
First, I like to watch a Norwich moving. He should cover the ground efficiently. His neck should be of suf- ficient length and not stuffy, blending into well laid back shoulders to enable good reach. His height is achieved from depth of body, not length of leg. His body is short coupled, with good spring of ribs and just a little distance from the last rib to the tail. His should have short strong hocks and sufficient angulation to propel him forward with his topline remaining level. In keeping with his work- ing origin, the Norwich tail is medium-docked and of suf- ficient length to grasp. It is set high at 12 o’clock. All the pieces should fit together to give a pleasing picture of a small sturdy, spirited dog who moves with confidence and purpose. He should not appear long-cast or too stuffy.
Heads are important for correct breed type. The wedge-shaped muzzle is strong and slightly tapering. The Norwich standard says a “slightly foxy expression”. That doesn’t mean a fox-shaped muzzle. Rather, it means that his expression is alert, keen and interested. The skull is broad and slightly domed. His eyes are dark and a medium oval size. Round eyes look toy-ish and spoil the expression.
Continued on pg. 246

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