Page 25 - ShowSight Presents - The Shih Tzu
P. 25

                tail lays flat on the back or is more like a tea- pot handle. There should be room for you to slide you hand between the tail and the dog’s back when the tail curls over the side. The tail is set on high; arching well over the back and not carried tightly over the side of the dog or lying flat on the back. Step back to determine the shape of the dog.
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Parti-colored, solid any color, black and white or having a dark face is of no impor- tance, as all colors and marking are equal. ALL COLORS AND MARKING ARE ACCEPTABLE AND EQUAL. It is more difficult to judge dark-faced or solid colored dogs, because the breed’s facial characteris- tics do not ‘pop out at you.” This is why a careful, up close examination (on the table) is so important. There are no official records kept for the ‘all-time top winning parti-col- ored, black masked gold or solid black Shih Tzu. Resist the temptation to have a color preference; to prefer black and white, solid black or black masked gold dogs. Do not be turned off by a mismarked beard (black on one side and white on the other). There are breeders who prefer certain colors or mark- ings, but as a judge, you must treat all colors and markings as acceptable and EQUAL. A word about the colors blue and liver: They are acceptable according to the standard. However, Shih Tzu with these colors, fre- quently also have lighter eyes; though not always. This creates a problem, in that it is more difficult to get soft warm expression from a lighter eye. Liver pigment is seldom seen in the ring and blue a real rarity.
The last component of type, Shih Tzu movement, should be the same as for any soundly moving dog. The head should be carried high. The standard refers to a “dis- tinctly arrogant carriage.” There is abso- lutely no mention in the standard about length of neck. The standard requires that the Shih Tzu have arrogant carriage. In order for a Shih Tzu to carry its head high (without being “strung up”), it must have good shoulder layback. Moving away from you, you should see two black pads. The Shih Tzu should cover ground but is not to be raced. The standard states “the Shih 􏰞􏰞􏰟 􏰡 􏰢􏰣􏰄􏰤􏰢􏰔􏰏􏰣􏰥 􏰜􏰦􏰏􏰦􏰧􏰔􏰕􏰀􏰊 􏰦􏰨􏰏􏰨􏰢􏰥 􏰞􏰩􏰪􏰫
Correct Shih Tzu Movement: Distinctly arrogant carriage, level topline, good reach and drive.
Tzu moves straight and must be shown at its own natural speed, neither raced nor strung-up.” Enough tension on the lead to guide the Shih Tzu is appropriate. A dead loose lead is not necessary. However please discourage exhibitors from stringing up their dogs. When I see abuse in this area, I usually ask the exhibitor to “move your dog again, this time slower and please let up on the lead.”
My wife Bobbi and
I began exhibiting Shih
Tzu under the Shen Wah
prefix in the early 1970s.
To date we have owned,
bred or finished almost
100 champions. We have
had many Toy Group and specialty win- ning Shih Tzu as well as three all breed BIS winners. Our biggest pleasure was breeder, owner handling our home bred BIS, BISS Ch. Shen Wah’s Turn It Loose to an all breed BIS. Our Shih Tzu, BIS BISS Ch. Hallmark Jolei Austin Powers, won the ASTC National Specialty twice. In 2010, he was the number two Toy Dog in the US. We have also bred and shown Specialty winning Chihuahuas and have shown Pugs and Maltese. We are still breeding and showing Shih Tzu. I am approved to judge the Hound, Terrier, Toy and Non-Sporting Groups, six Sporting and four Working breeds and Best In Show.
We have been members of the American Shih Tzu Club since 1977. I served two terms as President of the American Shih Tzu Club. I have held several offices in the ASTC and was the first AKC Judges Education Chair- man. I have been a member of the ASTC judge’s education committee for more than 20 years. I served on the breed standard revision
committee of 1989 and also, was one of three members of The Illustrated Guide To The Shih Tzu Standard committee. I have given seminars concerning Shih Tzu and Chinese/ Tibetan breeds in every corner of the US as well as Australia and Europe. I began judging in 1987. I have judged the American Shih Tzu Club National Specialty twice. The Cana- dian Shih Tzu Club National, The Dutch Shih Tzu Club National and Shih Tzu Spe- cialties in Japan and Sweden. I have judged Hound, Terrier, Toy and Non-Sporting Group shows in the US and aboard. I have judged Specialty Shows for breeds in most of the Toy, Non-Sporting, Terrier and Hound Groups in the US including the Chihuahuas Club of America National Specialty Show. I have also judged the Tibetan Terrier of America National Specialty, the Lhasa Apso Club of America National Specialty and the Chinese Shar Pei Club of America National specialty. I also judged the American Fox- hound, National Specialty. I have judged at the Westminster KC and The AKC/Eukanuba National Championship shows. I have judged in Australia, Canada, China, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.
I have authored numerous articles on Shih Tzu, published in “Top Notch Toys” (TNT), the ASTC Bulletin, “Dogs in Review” and the “Shih Tzu Reporter”. I served on the Board of Directors of the Dog Judges Association of America for six years and served as their annual seminar chair- man for several years. I was also the Toy and Non-Sporting Group education coordina- tor of the Los Angeles Area Dog Judges Edu- cational Association. I was for many years Show Chairman of the Santa Ana Valley Kennel Club and was a board member and am a past president of the Toy Dog Fanci- ers of Southern California. I have been the featured speaker at the annual Canadian Kennel Judged Conference.
We now reside in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Professionally, I hold an MA in Educational Administration and a BA in German. I studied at the University of Heidelberg, Germany in 1965 and 66. For 35 years was a high school teacher having retired in 2002. I taught German, Eng- lish and Art and Music History. I served for more than 30 years as Chairman of the Foreign Language Department.

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