Page 9 - ShowSight Presents The West Highland White Terrier
P. 9

                Musings of a
  Westie, originated in the Western Islands and Highland of Scotland. They were called terrieres or earthe dogges, and, at that time, came in a variety of colors and sizes. The Malcolms of Poltal- loch are credited with the development of the breed following a hunting accident where Laird Malcolm shot and killed one of his favorite reddish brown Ter- riers, mistaking it for the game he sought. After that tragic incident, he bred to only get the lighter or white tinged coats.
Here I must stress that these dogs had a specific purpose, dispatching vermin such as fox and badger that were a constant threat to the livestock, as well as rats that invaded the farmyards and grain sup- plies. When they accompanied their master on hunts, these small, game, strongly built Westies had to tra- verse the jagged, rocky terrain and challenging hill- sides of the Scottish Highlands. Such a dog needed to be able to scramble over, under and between these rocks, squeezing through tight spaces, and, at the same time, be able to turn around to get out again. The ability to perform these specific tasks is made possible by the anatomical structure and tenacious temperament of these game little dogs we call West Highland White Terriers.
“Breed type” is what allows you to recognize a particular dog as it is described in the Standard. A Westie has a beautiful and distinct outline that should
Shoulder Blade
Last Rib
Upper Arm

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